An illustration made for Friends at the Table, it was released as part of their Spring 2024 merch collection as both a shirt and poster.

An illustration made for Friends at the Table, it was released as part of their Spring 2024 merch collection as both a shirt and poster.
A comic excerpt from Friends at the Table’s Marielda.
Originally drawn for a 2020 fan event called “15 Days of FatT,” the prompt for this was “consequences.”
“Play in the dark, lest the heat catch you standing still.”
Fanart for Friends at the Table’s Live at the Table: Misspent Youth game.
A series of drawings related to Marielda, a Friends at the Table season. All were drawn in a sketchbook with colored pencil and then finished digitally.
iron son, earth father (2016)
samothes and the smallest smiles (2016)
We Called for Confidence Alive (2017)